Bowling Club
KBowl Tigers Bowling Club
Kilkenny Ten Pin Bowling Club is up and running! Its possibly the first in Ireland. For years now bowling leagues have been taking place in KBowl with a number of local enthusiasts participating but now the sport will reach a new level in Kilkenny with the start of a club.
The club officers are Secretary; Stacy Nugent, Chairman; Mark Collins, Vice Chairman; Paul Phelan, Treasurer Gemma Carter. Other committee members are John Ryan, Michael Cooney, Mathew Ryan, Tommy Dowd and Breda Dowling.
Membership is €20 for the year with members receiving rates for playing in KBowl. The aim of the new club is to develop the sport of ten pin bowling in the Kilkenny area through coaching and the operation of leagues. If there anyone would like to join the club or play in a league or have any questions please call KBowl on 056-7788200.
For the latest bowling league results click here.